Siata ST411BC


We have very little information about this car. It is belived to have been the car displayed at the Geneva Auto Show with a transparent Hood. No recent information available about its current location.

  • Red Livery
  • Crosley-Powered
  • Year Model 1952
  • Bertone Bodywork


The engine of this car was fitted in Italy (it is believed with Nardi Equipment), small brakes and Siata Bell housing for Crosley. Because of some key distinctive elements this car is believed to be the one that was at the Geneva Auto show in March 1952. Then in 1956 the car was shipped to the USA, where it is supposed to have stayed until now, but its current location and owner still have to be confirmed.

Ownership History

Owner Name and location Timeline and details
"Masters" A.T. Walker, Nashville, TN, USA 1956 - 1957
C. Courtney Whitlock, IN, USA 1958 - 1960


Race Driver Racing number Result
No Racing history recorded for this car N/A N/A N/A


Auction Date Price
No Auction for this car